Monday, 13 April 2009
Easter weekend
After a week away cross country skiing in Norway it was back to the milder clims of Gunnerside for Easter - but our bird list for the weekend still has a number of winter visiters. First good news was the reappearance of a pair of Redpolls on the birdfeeders, along with a couple of siskin. They must have been hungry because they haven't really moved from the birdtable all weekend!
On Friday, with Mum and Dad in tow we went over to Whaw, Arkengarthdale and walked up dale to Dalehead and back round, with the hope of seeing some Black Grouse. After a few anxious miles we eventually did see a pair hiding behind some trees but fortunately better views were had as we walked back near Shepherds Lodge. Other birds of note included 2 x Redshank, 2 x Snipe, 4/5 x Oystercatcher, a lone Wheatear and good numbers of nesting Lapwing. Also nice to see a flock of 100+ fieldfare plus one or two Redwing all looking very bright as though getting into breeding plumage. Rather incongruously, up above them flew a lone Swallow.
Sunday saw us head off up the Gunnerside Gilll in search of Ring Ouzel. The weather was absolutely beautiful despite an early morning frost. After having got Dad up on to Jingle Pot Edge path with the aid of oxygen we continued up past Botcher Gill gate and on to Ewe Leap Scar. The first Ouzel of the day were seen at Botcher Gill Gate and from then on it was an Ouzel fest!! Our full count for the day was 5 pairs including one in the middle of nest building. The Gill truely is a great place for these summer visiters but I am not sure we have had such a high count before. We were also quite surprised to still see the Ravens over wintering Scar. There were 4 flying around most of the day. I am assuming these will be juveniles and they will be moving on soon. An unusual sighting just below Potting was a lone bat out in the mid afternoon sun. The attached photo (awful quality) gives some idea of its features - we are guessing it was a Pipestrelle.
Monday was yet another glorious day, so we decided to take a look up on Low Row Pastures. The highlight of the morning was a pair of Redstarts on the edge of Little Rowleth Wood along with a good smattering of Willow Warbler. Again we saw 2 Ravens flying over head. Other birds seen on the walk were; calling Snipe, large numbers of Lapwing, 6 + pairs of Wheatear and a pair of Sparrowhawk. Also of interest on the walk were a Roe Deer and a cracking Violet Ground Beetle.
PM I took myself off for the first fly fishing session of the season and although I blanked as far as fish were concerned I did see the first pair of Sandpipers of the year at Rowleth Bottoms.
In addition to the Blackbird that is nesting in the coal shed we now have the following nesters in our garden; Sparrows in nest box and in Cotoneaster, Blue Tit in nest box and Jackdaw on roof. In addition something is building a nest in the open nest box we have in the back garden but is proving rather elusive to nail down!!
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