Friday, 13 February 2009

Goshawk, owl and goose!

Had day off work today and after a morning full of chores I left Leeds at 1pm and headed cross country to Gunnerside. Arrived Nosterfield (near Masham) at about 2pm. Started at the main reserve hide but there was very little of interest around, lots of grey lags, coot, teal and wigeon and a solitary egyptian goose. After half an hour i moved to the quarry hide. There wasn't too much around so I scanned the gulls for anything of interest, two immature great blackbacks and plenty of black heads. As I was looking through scope something flashed in front of it and I heard a screech and a crash. Looking up I very quickly picked up a bundle of feathers about 10 metres in front of the hide. Closer inspection revealed a superb goshawk with a lapwing in its talons! I don't often get to see these beautiful birds but boy are they stunners. Piercing yellow eyes and that vivid eye stripe, really give them an evil look!! I was able to watch him for about 5 mins before he pulled the unfortunate lapwing under a poorly placed lifebouy which obscured my view - fantastic!!!
Fortunately my bird day was still not quite finished because as i came out of Reeth on my way up dale to Gunnerside there was a great Little Owl sitting on the ridge of a barn in the sunshine just up above the swing bridge. Swaledale is a really good place for these little beauties and I never tire of seeing them. Fab few hours!!!

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