Tuesday 4 August 2009

Update - better late than never!!

All been a bit busy since coming back from hols so got very lazy on blog !! So what has been happening? Well I don't know what others think but from a Gunnerside perspective I think 2009 is looking like a really good breeding year for garden birds. The bird table and feeders seem to be absolutely full of young and the swallows/ swifts and house martins are still very busy nesting. Houise martins on front of house and very busy feeding young and I guess they may well fledge in next day or two - once gone we will however have a very serious window cleaning job to do - it seems the young like nothing more than pointing their a*** out of the nest and projectile poohing all over our bedroom window!!!! Still a small price to pay i guess.
Sand martins are also still nesting down at Rowleth, infact they were washed out just 2 weeks ago and started nesting again 2 days later. We were relaibly informed by my house sitting parents that the Spotted flycatchers successfully raised a brood and they fledged whilst we were on holiday. Up on the moors there seem to be a few grouse around along with a few curlew and lapwing still.
Tawny owls in the village seem to be very vocal at night at the moment and i wonder whether this is the young just practising their hooting!?
Birds in the garden most days at the moment include, chaffinch, blue tit, great tit, blackbird, collared dove, siskin, goldfinch, greenfinch, dunnock, robin, song thrush, jackdaw, house sparrow, great spot woodpecker, pheasant, pied wagtail, swallow, house martin and swift.